ISRO appoints M. Mohan as director of Liquid Propulsion Techniques Centre in Thiruvananthapuram

ISRO appoints M. Mohan as director of Liquid Propulsion Techniques Centre in Thiruvananthapuram

M. Mohan has been appointed as director of the Liquid Propulsion Techniques Centre (LPSC) situated in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. Mr. Mohan, who’s at present Director (Initiatives) on the Vikram Sarabhai Area Centre (VSSC), succeeds V. Narayanan because the LPSC director. ISRO issued his appointment order on January 25. Mr. Mohan was director of the Human Area…

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V. Narayanan | Rocket scientist

V. Narayanan | Rocket scientist

The primary large information from the Indian House Analysis Organisation (ISRO) within the New 12 months appears to have an in-built ingredient of shock in it. On January 7, V. Narayanan, a rocket and spacecraft propulsion knowledgeable, who heads the ISRO’s Liquid Propulsion Methods Centre (LPSC) in Thiruvananthapuram, was named successor to S. Somanath, the…

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